Holistic process of brain development based on the system of mental arithmetic.
The ALOHA Mental Arithmetic is a holistic brain development process based on the mental arithmetic system which has yielded incredible results.
It is an accredited, global educational program for children aged 5 to 13 which enhances their learning skills and develops their math skills.
Thanks to the way the program is taught, children develop their mental abilities in a very fun way through the use of the abacus, the practice of mental arithmetic and through teaching games.

ALOHA: Abacus Learning Of Higher Arithmetic
We create the leaders of tomorrow

Mental development for children
Benefits that students gain throughout their lives:
1. Attention and concentration
2. Creativity
3. Imagination and visualization
4. Orientation
5. Acoustic and analytical ability
6. Photographic ability
7. Observation and orientation

Calculation with the abacus
Students learn to calculate a large number of numbers with the abacus with speed and accuracy.

Mental arithmetic
With the practice the students create a mental image of the abacus by doing all the actions in their mind.

Teaching games
In each ALOHA class, students play instructional games that purposefully enhance the benefits of the program.

Competitions and Olympics
Every year, ALOHA students have the opportunity to participate in competitions and world Olympiads, to gain unique experiences and to create friendships across the length and breadth of the earth.
Come to his big family too
Aloha Mental Arithmetic!
The world-accredited mental arithmetic program that counts over 40 countries and 4 million students in its dynamics, has arrived in Greece and is waiting for you to meet it !!!
There are two ways to conquer Aloha Mental Arithmetic:
Kinder Tiny Tots (4-5 ετών)
Το πρόγραμμα Kinder Tiny Tots απευθύνεται σε παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας με σκοπό να εργαστούν πάνω στους διαφορετικούς τύπους νοημοσύνης με γνώμονα την λογικο-μαθηματική σκέψη. Το πρόγραμμα έχει σχεδιαστεί για να κατακτήσουν οι μαθητές την απαραίτητη γνώση προκειμένου να αποκτήσουν στο έπακρο τα οφέλη του προγράμματος ALOHA Tiny Tots και βασίζεται σε τρία κύρια εργαλεία:
· Την θεωρία της πολλαπλής νοημοσύνης
· Την ανάπτυξη της συναισθηματικής νοημοσύνης
· Τον άβακα
Θεωρία των 8 τύπων νοημοσύνης του Howard Gardner
Δουλεύοντας στην θεωρία των 8 τύπων νοημοσύνης του Howard Gardner στην τάξη, οι μαθητές θα αναπτύξουν ικανότητες όλων των τύπων όπως:
· Κοινωνική ευστροφία
· Δημιουργικότητα
· Κινητικές δεξιότητες
· Λύση προβλημάτων με λογικό τρόπο και ευρηματικότητα
Το Kinder Tiny Tots συγχωνεύει τη μάθηση και τη χρήση του άβακα με την θεωρία των πολλαπλών ειδών νοημοσύνης του Howard Gardner, δημιουργώντας έτσι ένα ολοκληρωμένο και καινοτόμο εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα.
Συγκεκριμένοι στόχοι:
• Αναγνώριση και γραφή αριθμών από 1 έως 9
• Χρήση αριθμών με λογική ακολουθία και αναγνώριση συμβόλων
• Αναγνώριση αριθμών στον άβακα
• Χρήση σωστών κινήσεων κατά τη χρήση του άβακα
• Βελτίωση χωρικού προσανατολισμού
• Ταυτοποίηση και έκφραση συναισθημάτων
• Ανάπτυξη της ομαδικής εργασίας
• Βελτίωση παρατηρητικότητας
• Βελτίωση των δεξιοτήτων συντονισμού της κίνησης
• Βελτίωση των γλωσσικών δεξιοτήτων.
• Προσαρμογή του μαθητή στο σχολικό σύστημα

Tiny Tots
- For children who start the program at their age 5 to 7.
- Progress is slower on the Tiny Tots route, giving the student the time he or she needs to understand the content.
- The material used in the lessons (books, teaching games and abacus) is perfectly adapted to the maturation process and the students' selective motor skills.
- Two hours a week.
- For children who start the program at an early age 8 to 13.
- Progress is faster on the Kids route.
- The material used in the lessons (books, teaching games and abacus) is perfectly adapted to the maturation process and the students' selective motor skills.
- Two hours a week.

Learning the program
Tiny Tots: students who start classes between the ages of 5 and 7.
Kids: students who start classes from 8 years old and up.
Both paths are independent and at the end of each, the children will have acquired the same knowledge. The only difference between them is that the journey of the Tiny Tots takes an extra year, giving the student the time he needs to understand the content.
The ALOHA program respects the different pace of learning of children. For this reason, there are 2 different paths, depending on the age at which the child begins the course.
The material used in the lessons (books, textbooks and abacus) is perfectly adapted to the maturation process and the students' selective motor skills, both in Tiny Tots and in Kids.
The lessons
ALOHA lessons are designed to bring together children with different learning rates and ages. This enhances collaborative learning, enhances involvement and teaches children to work in a different environment. All this contributes to the increase of the essence of the lessons and, consequently, to the motivation of the student.
By attending classes two hours a week, students complete two levels per school year.
All the educational needs of the students were considered during the design of the ALOHA lessons, promoting a playful mood, respecting the attention curve, strengthening the family learning approach;
First person training
During the lessons, there is constant feedback between the teacher and the student, as the role of the teacher as a guide during the teaching process to children is of particular importance. ALOHA students attend classes two hours a week, which can be integrated into one lesson or two one-hour lessons each.
Course duration
The activities included in the lessons have different levels of intensity and are mixed over time in order to increase the level of attention throughout the program.
Fun lessons
To promote student participation, all activities in the classroom have a fun element, promoting a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.
Intensity of exercises
The sessions show different levels of intensity and are mixed during the lesson in order to benefit the level of attention throughout the lesson.
The ALOHA program offers their students the opportunity to do homework. 5-10 minutes of daily practice at home allows students to achieve greater growth.
Extracurricular and in-school activity
In addition to being an extracurricular activity, ALOHA can be a great complementary activity as a school timetable.
Motivational force in the classroom
The ALOHA Mental Arithmetic program combines different resources to enhance the student's innate motivation: positive, immediate and rewarding effort instead of result, among others.

Good behavior is attributed to individual or collective signs of appreciation.
Students behave better, decide what activities to do, and are responsible for the material or organization of the games.
In addition, in order for the program to reach students, initiatives aimed at strengthening motivation continue. Medals, bracelets, diplomas… These are some of the awards that ALOHA students receive as a reward for their hard work.
Difficulty level
In order for students to always work within their capabilities, the activities have different levels of difficulty.
Affordable goals
In order to provide students with achievable goals in the short term, the contents of the program are distributed in circles and levels.
Every year, ALOHA organizes regional, national and international championships. The goal of these tournaments is to boost children's confidence and improve in a climate of healthy competition.
In order for families to feel part of their children's educational process, ALOHA constantly creates different collaborative opportunities: homework, satisfaction questionnaires, family activities, open classes, periodic communications, information on children's progress…
In 1993, in Malaysia, Loh Mun Sung started the ALOHA mental arithmetic program, an acronym for Abacus Learning of Higher Arithmetic, designed to teach abacus to children.
For more than twenty years, the program has been progressively implemented on five continents, eventually reaching over forty countries, which now form the ALOHA Mental Arithmetic international network.
ALOHA Mental Arithmetic
Through Mental Arithmetic, students can perform mentally simple (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and complex mathematical operations (squared roots, powers, fractions, functions) without any additional external object (calculator, computer, pencil, paper, etc.). ..) The program is based on three basic tools: the abacus, mental arithmetic and teaching games.
The ALOHA Mental Arithmetic program aims to offer the ability to stimulate children's brains in a complete, aesthetic way that lasts over time, by pressing the right "buttons" to strengthen their neural connections.
ALOHA is recognized as a strong educational proposition that as a starting point merges the classical theories of childhood (Piaget, Montessori, Dewey, Vygotsky) with the latest contributions to neuroeducation (gamification, emotional intelligence, cooperative work, etc.). In this way, it is constantly enriched and adapted to the latest findings and in the best interest of all parties.
A lesson ALOHA ...
ALOHA's parents said ...

DURATION: 8 - 10 Levels (Levels count according to age)
Every year: 2 Levels
2 academic semesters (October - January & February - May)
2 times per week for 1 time for ages 5-7 (Tiny Tots).
1 time per week for 2 hours for ages 8-13 years (Kids) .
(Holidays have been removed from the annual schedule)
ANNUAL PROGRAM COST: 360 euro (Paid in 8 monthly installments Χ 45 euros per month).
+ 30 euros cost of training bag (abacus, books, etc.)
There is no registration fee.
* Only for the year 2020-2021 the program will start 2/11/2020 and will end on 26/6/2021.
* Certification is mandatory for enrollment in the next semester.
* Certification costs are paid in January and May.
Discount for 2 children: 80 euro
Discount for 3 children: 75 euro
Discount on 2nd program at the price of 40 euro.
TINY TOTS (5-7 years old)
Monday & Wednesday 7:15 - 8:15
Tuesday & Friday 4:15 - 5:15
KIDS (8-13 years)
Tuesday 7:15 - 9:15
Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 7:00
ΤΡΙΤΗ 20/6/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 22/6/23
ΤΡΙΤΗ 27/6/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 29/6/23
ΤΡΙΤΗ 04/7/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 06/7/23
ΤΡΙΤΗ 11/7/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 13/7/23
ΤΡΙΤΗ 18/7/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 20/7/23
ΤΡΙΤΗ 25/7/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 27/7/23
ΤΡΙΤΗ 01/8/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 03/7/23
ΤΡΙΤΗ 08/8/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 10/7/23
15 και 17 κλειστά
ΤΡΙΤΗ 22/8/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 24/7/23
ΤΡΙΤΗ 29/8/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 31/7/23
ΤΡΙΤΗ 05/9/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 7/9/23
ΤΡΙΤΗ 12/9/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 14/9/23
ΤΡΙΤΗ 19/9/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 21/9/23
ΤΡΙΤΗ 26/9/23 ή ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 28/9/23
