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Educational Robotics

With a growing economy in high demand for STEM domains, it is important for the next generation to learn how to   to do  the difference in the world.  

The Educational   Robotics  gives  give students the opportunity to delve deeper into the world of technology and engineering and explore how computer programming and robot design can solve problems big and small!

The children, with  robotics, the only tool that can offer STEM training across the spectrum as it teaches  Physics, Engineering, Informatics and Mathematics as a unit  :  

  • discover new ways of learning 

  • learn to think,

  • experimenting,

  • are concerned,

  • build their knowledge,

  • solve problems,

  • think critically,

  • palpate new concepts,

  • broaden their horizons,

  • cultivate  important skills of the 21st century. 

Girl with DIY Robot
Learn  by playing ...
Girls Building Robot

The program does not come to "teach" to children who already know about today's technology.

Through  imaginative  and creative scripts that  look like  with play, students work  to design, build, test and modify their own robotic creations!

As a result, the children  discover and be fascinated by her world  Science, Engineering, Technology, Informatics and Mathematics,  industries that are and will continue to be in constant development and in the emphasized aspirations at European and international level.

Why STEM training ...


By building simple and complex machines, they demystify the world around them, while at the same time realizing their usefulness to humans.


Through activities, they develop algorithmic thinking. They learn to love mathematics, as it is part of playful learning.

Problem solving

A key element of the STEM methodology is problem solving. Children look for solutions to everyday problems.

Critical Thinking
Children learn to rely on facts and test their assumptions. This is how they will develop the ability of logical thinking, based on the knowledge of patterns.


With STEM the introduction to the Natural Sciences is done with experiential scenarios where children participate actively.


Children learn to work in groups from a very young age. They communicate, argue, disagree, cooperate.

They learn to find different ways to solve problems  on their own, practicing their creativity. 

Scientific and technological literacy
Starting with simple construction, making repairs to the mechanisms and programming  robots, step by step children master the basics of physics, engineering and programming.

Graduation in 6 levels.

The program was created for students from 5  - 18 years old and consists of 6 levels (one educational level per academic year).

Each level aims to further develop engineering, programming and modern skills.

At the end of each level, certification is provided after examinations that take place in our area.

Technology Class
Modern programming platforms and tools

Students learn  to work with different types of robotic kits and tools to create their own models.

Experimentation sparks their imagination and creativity, while at the same time making the learning process more attractive.

Depending on age and level they use:

  • Bee  Bot                         

  • Robot Mouse                        

  • Tutobo  Robot                       

  • Marty   Robot

  • Sphero  mini                         

  • Ozobot                            

  • Meet  Edison                   

  • Meccanoid  Robot

  • Mbot                         

  • Lego Wedo 2                       

  • Lego SPIKE Prime                 

  • Lego Mindstorm EV3

  • Engino  Pro                     

  • Engino  Produino                     

  • Alpha 1S  Robot               

  • Craft Bot - 3D Printer                  

  • Makey - Makey                  

  • Raspberry Pi  zero                    

  • Raspberry Pi 4                       

  • Micro: Bit

  • Arduino Uno                

  • Arduino - Genuino CTC 101      

  • Arduino Obstacle Avoidance Kit    

  • Arduino PID Line Follower Kit


Students learn  use different graphical programming platforms that aim to introduce programming languages as  as smoothly as possible and having already acquired the necessary supplies.


Depending on the age and level, they plan in:

  • Lego WeDo 2  Platform               

  • EdBlock                           

  • Scratch 2.0                       

  • Scratch  3

  • EdScratch                         

  • RoboBlockly                         

  • MBlock                           

  • MakeCode

  • Miniblock                  

  • LabVIEW  for Mindstorm EV3           

  • KEIRO for Engino                    

  • Tinkercad

  • ArduBlock                        

  • Arduino  IDE                        

  • EdPy                           

  • Fritzing    

  • AppInventor                       

  • C-STEM Studio                   

  • Python Codesters                

  • Blockly (Javascript)    

Modern Educational Material

Project-Based Learning

The program attracts  students through hands on  activities.


Playful activities based on modern society and the society of the future.

Promotes collaboration and teamwork.  


The student can start the program  at any age.

The program takes care of important knowledge that students may have lost.

The  Books  Student, worksheets, online education platform,  as well as all the supporting material, allow the smooth introduction of the student to the program, regardless of his level of knowledge in the subject.

Potential  Content

New content is constantly being added as technology changes and applications evolve.

The rapid development in the field of technology requires users who have  broad, specialized, objective and theoretical  knowledge  in a field that until now was unknown to most.

Development in the learning process is not optional but necessary.  

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Κάθε έτος:  

Για νέους μαθητές:

30 Μαθήματα - (Οκτώβριο έως Μάϊο) 

2 ακαδημαϊκά εξάμηνα (Οκτώβριο - Ιανουάριο & Φεβρουάριο - Μάϊο)  

1 φορά την εβδομάδα για 1 ώρα και 30 λεπτά.

(Οι αργίες έχουν αφαιρεθεί από το ετήσιο πρόγραμμα)

ΚΟΣΤΟΣ ΕΤΗΣΙΟΥ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ:  400 ευρώ                                        (Καταβάλλεται σε 8 μηνιαίες δόσεις  Χ 50 ευρώ ο μήνας).

+ 10 ευρώ έκδοση κωδικών για την online εκπαιδευτική πλατφόρμα (πληρωμή 1 φορά ανεξάρτητα τα έτη που θα φοιτήσει ο μαθητής).

Κόστος εγγραφής δεν υπάρχει.

Για παλιούς  μαθητές:

34 Μαθήματα - (Σεπτέμβριο έως Μάϊο) 

1 φορά την εβδομάδα για 1 ώρα και 30 λεπτά.

(Οι αργίες έχουν αφαιρεθεί από το ετήσιο πρόγραμμα)

ΚΟΣΤΟΣ ΕΤΗΣΙΟΥ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ:  450 ευρώ                                        (Καταβάλλεται σε 9 μηνιαίες δόσεις  Χ 50 ευρώ ο μήνας).

Κόστος εγγραφής δεν υπάρχει.



  • Δωρεάν προπονήσεις για συμμετοχή σε διαγωνισμούς                          

  • Έκπτωση στα 2 παιδιά: 90 ευρώ


They are configured according to your availability.  

Fill in the pre-registration form   below and  write  our days and hours   which you prefer !!!



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